TransLink and police join forces on Sunshine Coast 12 December 2019 | South East Queensland TransLink will bolster security at Sunshine Coast's public transport hubs across the region in cooperation with the Queensland Police Service.
More SNOs for SEQ Network 14 March 2019 | South East Queensland Sixteen officers are being recruited to boost ticket inspector numbers to combat a surge in fare evasion on Queensland’s public transport.
New bus to deliver 200 weekly services for Caloundra South 12 March 2019 | South East Queensland Residents in the Sunshine Coast community of Baringa will have more than 200 weekly bus services when the new route '606' bus begins operating.
Contract signed for new transport payment system 27 June 2018 | Queensland A new payment system where commuters will be able to use their bank cards, mobile phones and smart watches in addition to go card and paper tickets.