There's no preparation required to pay for your travel using contactless payment: just tap on at the start of your journey and tap off at the end with one of the accepted payment methods:

✔️ Visa

✔️ Mastercard

✔️ American Express

You can use any contactless Visa, Mastercard and American Express debit or credit card, including those in a digital wallet like Apple Pay, Google Wallet or Samsung Pay.

Your virtual cards and physical cards are considered different payment methods, so always tap on and tap off with the same card or device – for example if you tapped on with your smart watch, tap off with it too!

Tapping on and tapping off

  1. Take your card or device out of your wallet or bag
    The Smart Ticketing validators* are more powerful than old go card readers and can read other cards with contactless technology. To make sure the validator gets a clear signal, you'll need to remove your card or device from your wallet or case.

    *A validator is the equipment you use to tap on and tap off with your card.

    Contactless card on phone with a smart ticketing validator

  1. Tap on with your card or device
    Hold your card or device in the middle of the card reader and wait for an alert on the screen. You’ll see a large white tick with green lights and hear the sound of one beep if your tap is successful.

    If you see a large white cross with red lights and a double beep sound, your tap was declined. If the screen says “Please try again”, make sure you’re holding your card or device by itself and try tapping and again. Learn more about other error messages.

    Contactless card on phone with smart ticketing validator after having tapped on

  1. Tap off with the same card or device at the end of your trip
    Tap off just like you tapped on. When tapping off, you’ll see a large white tick with green lights and the amount of the fare if your tap was successful.

Important tips and reminders

Avoid card clash

  • Always present your payment method individually.
  • Smart Ticketing validators can read contactless credit and debit cards, smart devices, and go cards.
  • Presenting multiple payment methods at once, like a phone with a card stored in the case, could lead to a declined tap or incorrect fare calculation.

Using smart devices and digital wallets

  • Your virtual cards and physical cards are considered separate payment methods. To make sure you pay the right fare, always tap on and tap off with the same card or device.
  • If you have multiple devices for one account, these can be used as separate payment methods for additional travellers.

Transferring between services

  • When transferring between services, remember to use the same payment method for all your travel, so your fare is calculated correctly.

How to check your travel history 

  • If you need help with travel using your debit or credit card, you can use our Ticketing Assistant to view your trip history or request a fare adjustment.


Your tap was declined if you see any one of these messages:

  • Please try again: There was an error with the machine and your tap was not accepted. Try tapping again.
  • Present one card: More than one card has been detected by the reader Remove the card or device that you would like to use from your wallet or bag and try tapping again.
  • Invalid card: Your card is invalid and cannot be used to tap on and tap off for travel. Please use a valid go card or contactless payment method to tap on/tap off. Alternatively, you can purchase a paper ticket. If your go card is invalid, please call Translink on 13 12 30. If your bank card is invalid, please contact your bank or financial institution.
  • Not accepted: Your card cannot be used for travel. It may be from a non-participating scheme, reported lost, stolen or has been blocked by your financial institution. For more information, please contact your financial institution. For immediate travel, please try another payment method.
  • Card has expired: Your card has expired. For immediate travel, please try another payment method. To extend your go card expiration date, please visit a participating retailer. 

If your plans change and you decide to no longer travel, you can tap the same card or device at the same station from 10 seconds up to 20 minutes after your first tap to successfully cancel your tap. There is no charge for cancelling a tap.

The description of the charge listed in your transaction history or bank statement will appear as “TRANSLINK SMARTTICKET QLD AU“

Each person needs to tap on and tap off using their own contactless debit or credit card or go card. 

If you have multiple devices for one account (like a physical card, digital card, or smart watch), these can be used as separate payment methods. 

Alternatively, you can buy a paper ticket.

If you paid using a contactless debit or credit card, you can check your trip history online through the Ticketing Assistant. You can also request a fare adjustment if something doesn’t look right. 

If you’re using a go card, please continue managing your travel through your go card account

You can also call us on 13 12 30 if you have an enquiry about your travel.

Need help with travel using your debit or credit card?

You can use our Ticketing Assistant to view your trip history or request a fare adjustment, view frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Smart Ticketing, or contact us for support.

Learn more

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