What is Move Together?

Move Together is about the practical things we can all do to improve the public transport experience for vulnerable people.

Transport is a human right and an enabler to full participation in life. It connects people to social, educational, recreational, economic and health products and services and should be inclusive and accessible for all – including the one in five Queenslanders with disability.

Research shows attitudes and behaviours of travellers can prevent vulnerable customers from using Queensland's public transport network with confidence and ease. Behaviours such as the inappropriate use of priority seating or failing to help or know how to help others when things go wrong are examples of where we can all do better.

How can you make a difference?

Get involved by viewing and sharing our video. We know everyone accesses videos differently so there are several options of the video.

Next time you travel, be aware of those around you who might need help, give your seat to someone who needs it more and don't leave your bag where someone could trip over it.

Did you know...

  • 44% of Australian adults have difficulty reading and writing
  • 1 in every 5 Queenslanders have a disability
  • Around 3 in 5 people with a disability need assistance with at least one activity of daily life
  • Queensland is home to people from more than 220 countries
  • 15% of Queenslanders speak a language other than English at home

Moving together means...

Giving your seat to someone who needs it.

Be mindful of other passengers, such as people with disabilities, seniors, pregnant people or people with small children, and offer them your seat.

If you are sitting in an area designated for the use of persons with disabilities or reduced mobility, you will need to vacate your seat when such people board the service.

Not leaving your bag where someone could trip over it.

Keep doorways and walkways free from bags and other items.

Items left in aisles or near entry and exit points can be trip hazards for all passengers, and significant barriers for people with low vision or who use mobility aids.

Standing back so others can see which train or bus is approaching.

Public transport stops and platforms can be noisy places. Many people, including those with hearing impairments may rely on visual cues to know when their bus or train is approaching.

Standing back from the edge of the platform or kerb makes it easier for everyone to see approaching vehicles, transport signage and timetable information.

Being aware of those around you who may need help.

Public transport journeys can be a great time to catch up on the latest book or social media activity. But sometimes that means you are not aware of those around you who may need help, or for you to vacate your seat.

Keep an eye out for who is getting on and off at each stop, and whether they need any help. If you don't feel comfortable to help the person yourself, you may be able to alert the driver or guard that a passenger needs assistance.

For more information

Learn more about Accessibility and Inclusion via the Department of Transport and Main Roads Accessibility and Inclusion strategy.