We're committed to ensuring the fair and appropriate use of the system for all customers.

What are default fares?

Under section 218M of the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Regulation 2018, the department may charge a default fare (or fixed fare) to your card if you don't tap on at the start of your trip, or tap off at the end of your trip.

Default fares are there to ensure a fair go for all passengers on our network so remember to always tap on, tap off.

Default fares

Mode of transportAdultChildSeniorConcession
Bus, tram and ferry$2.50$2.50$2.50$2.50
SMBI ferry$2.50$2.50$2.50$2.50

As at 31 January 2025

Please note:

  • If your go card has been charged the default fare and your balance is less than the amount for the default fare, your card will have insufficient funds to travel for your next trip.
  • If you think you've been charged a default fare in error, you can apply to have it adjusted.

Why do default fares exist?

Default fares ensure a fair go for all passengers on the Translink South East Queensland network.

To allow us to provide more frequent and reliable services and build a more efficient network for customers, we need to ensure everyone is using the system appropriately and tapping on and off correctly.

If everyone uses the system in the right way, the resources spent on minimising fare evasion could easily be reinvested to improve the our network and provide better services for you.

What if I can't tap on or tap off because of a system issue?

If you have been charged a default fare because of a system issue you can apply to have your card balance adjusted within 120 days from the date you were charged.

How can I apply to have a default fare adjusted?

If you travelled using a go card, you can apply online or by calling 13 12 30.

If you travelled using a contactless debit or credit card, you can apply via the Translink Ticketing Assistant, or by calling 13 12 30.

Why would the default fare amount change during major events?

During major events we understand it may not be possible for you to tap or on or off at the start or end of your journey.

In these instances, we reduce the default fare amount so you don't have to request a balance adjustment.