Our Facebook page will keep you informed of service updates in your area, new and useful information about Translink products and services and notify you of travel arrangements to upcoming events.

We encourage you to engage with us, share and post on our Facebook page, and we welcome the diverse range of opinions that everyone has to share. However, we have some basic guidelines that are set out in our terms of use guide below. Translink reserves the right to update this policy at any time.

We monitor our Facebook page 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We cannot reply individually to all the posts and messages we receive via Facebook however, we do read all posts and messages.

go card enquiries – Please be aware that due to privacy considerations, we cannot respond to your go card account enquiries via social media. For assistance, please call Translink on 13 12 30 (24 hours day, 7 days a week) or log-in to your go card account.

Terms of use

  1. Content
    1. Please do not post anything that could be considered:
      • Off-topic, repetitive or inappropriate.
      • Abusive, defamatory, obscene, misleading, deceptive or violates another’s legal rights.
      • Offensive in tone, language or graphically.
      • Harassment or personal attacks in reference or tone.
      • Personal or sensitive information about other persons without their consent.
      • In violation of any intellectual property rights of another individual.
      • In violation of any law or regulation.
      • Spam (including but not limited to unwanted emails, comments, likes, or other forms of harassing communications).
      • A link or reference to other Facebook pages, non-government or off-topic pages.
      • Impersonates any other person or falsely claims to represent any other person, whether living or dead, real or fictitious.
      • Indecent, obscene, pornographic or otherwise inappropriate.
      • Advertising, confidential or commercially sensitive material.
      • Prejudicial to any civil, criminal or legal proceedings or address issues which have been dealt with judicially.
    2. Translink also reserve the right to block any users breaching the above guidelines at their discretion, whenever it is deemed appropriate.
    3. Translink also reserves the right to remove or refuse to distribute any content on Facebook we deem to be outside the above guidelines.
    4. Please respect other community members and their opinions and report any inappropriate or offensive material directly on Translink's Facebook page.
    5. Facebook also reserve the right to remove any content users post on the Translink Facebook page which is in violation of Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.
  2. Disclaimers
    1. The user accepts sole responsibility and all risk for using content presented on or accessed from the Translink Facebook page. To the extent permitted by law, Translink is not liable to any person in respect of any loss or damage (including consequential loss or damage) which may be suffered or incurred, or which may arise directly or indirectly in respect of content contained on and/or accessed from the Translink Facebook page.
    2. The content on the Translink Facebook page may include the views or recommendations of others, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Translink, or indicate its commitment to a particular course of action.
  3. Intellectual Property Rights
    1. If you post content to the Translink Facebook page:
      • Translink and its partners may contact you to seek permission to use, reuse, edit and/or modify the content, including any ideas or suggestions you may make for our services, with or without attribution to you
      • You have permission to post content on these terms, including permissions from any other people who might have created, or be depicted or referred to within, the content.
    2. Translink is not responsible for any misuse of user content or infringement of intellectual property rights by third parties who access the Translink Facebook page.
    3. All content posted by Translink on the Translink Facebook page (including content and artwork), except for content produced by others and reproduced with permission, is owned by Translink.
    4. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under Australian copyright law, no part of the content posted by Translink on the Translink Facebook page may be reproduced, modified, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, broadcast, published or reused for any commercial purposes whatsoever by any party (with the exception of Facebook under its licence) without the written permission of Translink first being obtained.;
  4. Privacy
    1. Translink is committed to protecting your personal information. The privacy, accuracy and security of your personal information are protected in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 and Translink's Privacy Statement.
    2. Any content you provide to Translink and its partners via Facebook may be collected by Translink, its partners and Facebook.