School bus services will run on their usual back to school timetables from Monday 20 April.
Despite many Queensland school students preparing to learn from home for the first five weeks of Term 2, the services will run as normal for children of essential workers who still need to attend classes.
Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said TransLink and its delivery partners would ensure services were there for students who still needed access to school travel.
"The message to every Queensland school community is very clear; stay at home, learn at home," Mr Bailey said.
"However, the children of essential workers as well as vulnerable students still need to access their schools, so these arrangements will make sure they can catch the bus at the same times as they did last term."
Mr Bailey said parents, guardians and students in South East Queensland needed to remember to use their go card, or pre-paid tickets, as public transport on the SEQ network was now cashless on go card enabled buses.
"Now is a good time to make sure students' go cards are packed and there's credit already on them as our delivery partners on TransLink services in South East Queensland won't be taking any cash fares," Mr Bailey said.
"Boarding will also be occurring on some services from the rear door of those buses to assist with social distancing practices.
"As with other customers on all modes of transport, we’re encouraging passengers to follow good hygiene practices to stop the spread of COVID-19.
"TransLink has also instructed delivery partners to allow a two week grace period, to ensure students without a go card are able to purchase one, from more than 680 locations across south east Queensland.
"Queenslanders have been doing the right thing to flatten the curve and we need everyone to keep that effort up as we head into winter."
The Queensland Government provides assistance to families for the cost of school travel though the School Transport Assistance Scheme.
Parents can contact TransLink for information about eligibility and how to apply.
Students and their families can check their timetables using TransLink's Journey Planner.
To find out more, please call 13 12 30 to discuss options or for more information please visit